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Managing Digital Transformation


Units: 9


The goal of this course is to analyze and understand how technological change impacts firms, markets, supply chains, and regulatory/policy structures. Information and communication technologies play multiple roles within businesses, organizations, industries, and societies:


• From a technological perspective, they define the information and communication infrastructure of the entity and they enable new ways to digitize processes.
• From a managerial perspective, they facilitate new coordination and communication processes within and across entities, enable new organizational forms, change the information environment underlying the business, and permit new incentive and monitoring structures.
• From a policy perspective, these new coordination and communication processes, new organizational forms, new modes of cross-organizational interaction, and new incentive and monitor structures frequently challenge established policy and regulatory structures.

Learning Outcomes

Successful efforts at digitization must keep technological, managerial, and policy perspectives in mind. Using a mix of theory and case analysis, this course will study how the deployment of information technology changes interactions and processes within organizations, across organizations, within industries, and across society.


Given this environment, the course has the following key learning objectives:

• Enable students to evaluate the likely impact of future IT innovations on firms, industries, and society.
• Identify key drivers of technology’s impact on the business ecosystem.
• Formulate appropriate frameworks to categorize technological innovation and its impact
along a variety of metrics including competitive environment, business model disruption,
and supply chain structure.
• Develop business communication skills to effectively communicate recommendations in

both written and spoken forms.

Prerequisites Description

 Senior status in the undergraduate IS program or with faculty permission.