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Statistics for IT Managers


Units: 6


This introductory course in data analysis and statistical inference requires no background in statistics. Its objective is to provide individuals who aspire to enter management or policy analysis positions with the basic statistical tools for analyzing and interpreting data. The course is divided into three distinct modules: descriptive statistics, statistical inference, and regression analysis. The emphasis of the classes on descriptive statistics is the calculation and interpretation of summary statistical measures for describing raw data. The sessions on statistical inference are designed to provide you with the background for executing and interpreting hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. The final component of the course focuses on regression analysis, a widely used statistical methodology. Throughout the course you will regularly analyze data relevant to management and policy analysis using the Excel statistical software package.

Learning Outcomes

-Apply statistical tools to analyze problems in IT and PP - Describe the merits and limitations of statistics to IT and PP applications - Characterize data with appropriate statistical tests - Use common statistical tools to answer problems quantitatively - Interpret statistical analyses - Appreciate the interpretation of statistical models as a source of knowledge to guide decision-making

Prerequisites Description

