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Our research programs are best described as data-intensive social science. Our economists, statisticians, operations researchers, computer scientists, and management experts sit side by side, collaborating constantly and not sitting in traditional departmental silos. For this reason, they are able to approach complex societal problems in an altogether different way. The future of work, the future of mobility, the loss of privacy, seismic shifts in entertainment—these are the problems of our age. These are the problems on our minds.
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Brett Ashley Crawford — Published a book, “Raising the Curtain: Technology Success Stories from Performing Arts Leaders and Artists."
Amelia Haviland and Dan Nagin — received Editor’s Choice recognition for their paper, “Changes in Crime Rates during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” in the journal Statistics and Public Policy.
Akshaya Jha — 2024 Hicks-Tinbergen Award, given to the author of the best article in the Journal of the European Economic Association.
David Krackhardt — Received a Distinguished Scholar award from the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management.
Kristen Kurland — Received a grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation to study the quality of life in Downtown Pittsburgh.
Tommy Oliver — won an Emmy Award for Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking for “Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project.”
Rema Padman — Health IT in Action award at the Conference on Health IT and Analytics for Digital Vaccine project
Denise Rousseau — Granted a Distinguished Scholar Award from the Academy of Management’s Organization Development and Change Division.
Edson Severnini — Outstanding Publication from the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Michael D. Smith — Received the Phillip E. Frandson Award for Literature for his book, “The Abundant University: Remaking Higher Education for a Digital World.” Smith also earned the ISS Distinguished Fellow Award.
Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang — Received INFORMS ISS Practical Impacts Award honoring distinguished information systems academics who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and sustained impact on the industry.
Michele Smith — Earned a Grammy Award for Best Historical Album at the 66th Grammy Awards in February.
Raja Sooriamurthi and Peter Zhang — Awarded a Generative AI Teaching as Research fellowship from CMU’s Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation.
Jillian Stephenson — Selected as a 2024-25 Provost’s Inclusive Teaching Fellow by CMU's Eberly Center.
Lowell Taylor — National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation Research Award for his paper, "Is There a VA Advantage? Evidence from Dually Eligible Veterans," published in the American Economic Review.
Woody Zhu — Received a grant from National Science Foundation to use machine learning to study seismic activity. Zhu was also selected as a GenAI Fellow at the Center for Intelligent Business at CMU’s Tepper School of Business.
Jonathan Baker — Directed and executive-produced the documentary “Serving In Secret: Love, Country And Don't Ask Don't Tell” about the history of LGBTQ+ service in the military.
Karen Clay — Named an Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Amanda Coston — IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning, Best Paper.
Dan Green — Elected co-president of the Association of Arts Administration Educators. Green also addressed the European Network on Cultural Management and Policy about the ways in which AI is changing the film and music industries.
Chris Goranson — Selected as a 125th Anniversary Fellow by Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Brian Kovak — Won the Excellence in Refereeing Award from the Journal of the European Economic Association.
Ramayya Krishnan — Served on the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, issued the first NAIAC report to the Biden administration
Kristen Kurland — Elected chair of a standing committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Anna Mayo — Given the Early Career Award for her commitment to advancing the science of team behavior from the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research.
Dan Nagin — Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tommy Oliver — Produced four films that were featured at the Sundance Film Festival
Rema Padman — Received the Bufalini Prize in the Health Technologies Sector for her work on AI and medicine.
Stacy Rosenberg — Chaired a presentation at the Association for Business Communication’s annual conference.
Wenbin Zhou — Took first place at the YinzOR Poster Competition for his paper on decision-making in public health.
Alessandro Acquisti — Management Science, Best Paper
Al Blumstein — National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics’ O.J. Hawkins Award for Innovative Leadership and Outstanding Contributions in Criminal Justice Information Systems, Policy and Statistics
Karen Clay — Became the incoming editor of the journal Explorations in Economic History and published a paper in the Journal of Economic Literature.
Runshan Fu — INFORMS Information Systems Society’s Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award, winner; INFORMS Society for Marketing Science’s Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, Winner.
Akshaya Jha — Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Editor's Choice. He was also was named a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research and an Energy Fellow at the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation.
Shihan Li — International Network for Social Network Analysis, Best Student Paper of the Year
Rema Padman — Digital Vaccine Project won the Financial Times’ Transformational Solutions New Frontiers Award
Ananya Sen — INFORMS Information Systems Society Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award
Edson Severnini — Named an NBER Research Associate.
Peter Zhang — 2022 INFORMS Junior Faculty Forum Paper Competition, Winner
George Chen — AAAI Workshop on AI for Behavior Change, Best Paper
Akshaya Jha — United States Association for Energy Economics, Young Professional Research Award and Best Paper
Ramayya Krishnan & Beibei Li — Information Systems Research, Best Paper Finalist
Rema Padman — Association of Information Systems, SIGHealth section, Best Paper
Leman Akoglu — SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Best Paper
Lee Branstetter — Congressional Robotics Caucus, met to discuss AI and education
Martin Gaynor — 25th National Institute of Health Care Management Research Award
Ramayya Krishnan — elected as a member of the National Academy of Public Administration
Kristen Kurland — Named one of the 23 most influential global women in Geographic Information System (GIS)
Beibei Li — International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Best Paper
Beibei Li — Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Best Paper
Denise Rousseau — Society for Human Resource Management, Lifetime Achievement Award
Ananya Sen — Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Best Paper
Zhe Zhang — ACM, Best Doctoral Dissertation Runner-Up
Alessandro Acquisti — Management Information Systems Quarterly, Best Paper
Leman Akoglu — ECML PKDD, Best Paper
Martin Gaynor — National Institute of Health Care Management Research, Best Paper