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Susan Hagan

Susan Hagan

Associate Teaching Professor, Information Systems

Hagan focuses her research interests on the interaction of words, images, and typeface, both static and in motion, in terms of their value for argument, description, and narrative.

Susan Hagan focuses her research interests on the interaction of words, images, and typeface, both static and in motion, in terms of their value for argument, description, and narrative. She envisioned and co-edited a special issue of Artifact: The Interaction of Practice and Theory in 2007. Her article, Visual/Verbal Collaboration in Print: Complementary Differences, Necessary Ties, and an Untapped Rhetorical Opportunity (Hagan 2007) received the 2008 NCTE Best Article on Philosophy or Theory for Technical or Scientific Communication. She has been invited to write a chapter focused on illustrators as collaborative problem solvers in visual/verbal environments, slated to be published in 2017. Her book project, currently under review, is Interplay: How Image Text and Typography Create Complementary Meaning, which emerges from her interdisciplinary background.


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