Stacy Rosenberg
Associate Teaching Professor
Stacy Rosenberg is an Associate Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College for the School of Public Policy & Management and the School of Information Systems & Management. Stacy is available to contribute content for news media covering politics, political campaigns, crisis communication, and disinformation.
Stacy Rosenberg has been on the Carnegie Mellon University faculty for more than a decade. She is currently teaching the graduate-level courses Writing for Public Policy, Writing for Creative Industries, Professional Speaking, and Strategic Presentation Skills. In addition to teaching these core courses, Stacy has served on committees shaping university policy including the CMU Faculty Affairs Council and the Communication Core Competency Committee. She is also part of the Entertainment Industry Management and Arts Management program committees and chairs faculty reappointment and promotion committees.
Stacy has been quoted in Forbes, Fortune, The Hill, Newsweek, NPR, the Tribune Review, USA Today, and on the CBS Evening News as well as on WPXI-NBC for stories on politics, legislative issues, crisis communication, and leadership. She is available to the media for interviews upon request.
Prior to joining Carnegie Mellon University's faculty in 2011, Stacy worked for 10 years at New York University in a variety of roles including Assistant Director for External Relations at NYU's Department of Media, Culture, and Communication and Associate Director at NYU's School of Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management.
While at NYU, Stacy was also a member of the adjunct faculty. She co-taught the Stern School of Business social impact course titled Business & Its Publics and taught the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development courses Media & Identity and Media Criticism. These courses reflect her interest in the interrelationship between business, government, and society as well as issues pertaining to media and representation.
In her early career, Stacy worked as a Web producer for the arts and entertainment guide and in television production for The Walt Disney Company and at Universal Studios, Orlando. Projects included The Walt Disney World Animal Kingdom and Downtown Disney grand opening press events, Walt Disney World's 25th Anniversary and Millennium press events, and production work on Oprah, numerous prime-time episodes of television programs on the ABC network, N' Sync's "I Want You Back" music video, and many more.
Stacy majored in Telecommunication Operations Management, with an outside concentration in Business, at the University of Florida where she was a Florida Academic Scholar, graduated summa cum laude, and was awarded the Dean's Cup for Professional Promise. She earned her MA at NYU in Media, Culture, and Communication.