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#1 in Analytics Education

Shaping Tomorrow's Policies With Today's Data

A Data Analytics Degree: Evidence-Based Solutions for the World's Problems

Heinz College’s analytics coursework is unrivaled among policy schools, and the Data Analytics track of our Master of Science in Public Policy and Management is our most quantitatively rigorous public policy program.

As the modern world generates massive amounts of data, large organizations, government agencies, think tanks, and consulting firms all seek the brightest minds with next-generation data skills. 

You can step up and take on such challenges.

The Data Analytics track of our Master of Science in Public Policy and Management program will train you to harness the power of data and analytic technologies to transform organizations that serve the public good. Our graduates have a unique skill set in the policy field and are highly sought by employers, including the top firms and agencies in our partner network.

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer Internship, Fall, Spring)

Data Science for Social Good & Public Interest Technology

Heinz College is a global leader in applying data science to public policy and using technology for public good. Among policy schools, we have the deepest bench of data scientists and analytics experts to help you convert data into human-centered solutions. Under the direction of our faculty experts, our data analytics students tackle complex problems such as:

  • Predicting resource shortages at senior care facilities during COVID-19
  • Promoting fairness and reducing bias in criminal sentencing
  • Combatting the opioid crisis by helping social workers identify abuse
  • Improving transparency and data-sharing across public service agencies
  • Mapping public utilities using data and technology
  • Reducing waste and fraud in the Medicare system
  • Using text analytics and machine learning to fight poaching and illicit trade
  • Testing feasibility of large-scale projects in renewable energy, like solar farms and biogas
  • Preventing homelessness with predictive analytics

Game-Changing Research

Students in our Data Analytics degree track gain skills and techniques that open new possibilities for public policy research and social impact. Heinz College and CMU provide many opportunities to apply those skills to innovative projects directed by our faculty and sponsored by our renowned research centers. This experiential learning takes place at the intersection of policy and technology, allowing students to bring the full weight of data analytics to bear on the public policy issues of today and tomorrow.

My Story: Curt

Curt Williams chose the Data Analytics track to augment his statistics background, as well as add Python and R to his repertoire.

My Story: Nikita

Nikita Setia loved working with data at a nonprofit in India that provided safe spaces for young women. The Data Analytics degree track helps her make a bigger impact.


For detailed curriculum information, please visit the MSPPM: Data Analytics Student Handbook.


Below is one possible schedule for the Data Analytics track. Class titles in bold are core courses. Heinz College offers a mix of full-semester (14 weeks) and half-semester courses (7 weeks) for core and elective courses.

  • Applied Economic Analysis
  • Intermediate Statistics*
  • Database Management for Policy Analytics
  • Python Programming II* OR Data Focused Python*
  • Exploratory Data Analytics and Visualization in Python*

  • Optimization*  
  • Decision and Risk Modeling*
  • Machine Learning Foundations with Python
  • Applied Econometrics I* and II*


  • Decision Analytics for Business and Policy
  • Organizational Design and Implementation*
  • Strategic Presentation Skills*
  • Accounting and Finance Analytics*
  • Machine Learning for Public Policy Lab
  • Data Science and Big Data*

  • Data Analytics Capstone Project
  • Practical Unstructured Data Analytics*
  • Big Data and Large-Scale Computing*
  • Smart Cities: Growth and Intelligent Transportation Systems*
  • Critical AI Studies for Public Policy*
  • Geographic Information Systems

*Half-semester courses

public policy and management: Data Analytics Careers

*Career data shown below reflects the last three years.


data analytics jobs and salary reports

Job titles and salary information for the Public Policy and Management: Data Analytics degree program.

Public Policy Tracks

Compare all four public policy options at a glance

The program is offered in four distinct tracks—Flagship, Data Analytics, Washington, D.C., and Fast Track (Three-Semester). Compare all four and choose the track that best suits your mission.


What's Next?

Get all the details about applying to our public policy and management program, including:

  • Application deadlines
  • Scheduling a visit
  • Attending an online info session
  • Connecting with a current student

Ready to apply? Check out our graduate application checklist now!