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Curious About Careers in Health Care Analytics?

An exclusive report providing an insider's look at careers in the Health Care Analytics field.

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Health Care Analytics Career Guide

Jobs in Health Care Analytics have grown at four times the rate of all health care jobs, and six times the rate of all jobs total.

To provide an insider’s look at Health Care Analytics careers, we interviewed 20 professionals working in the field in various functions. 

Through their insights, experience, and advice you'll learn about:

  • Exciting careers in Health Care Analytics for professionals with the right skills and training
  • Analytics applications that are changing key segments of the health care ecosystem 
  • Skills needed to capitalize on the field’s emerging opportunities
  • Career paths you might follow in Health Care Analytics—from new graduate to C-Level executive
  • How a master’s program graduate might plan a career in Health Care Analytics, and succeed in a rapidly changing field

Ready to take the next step?


Master of Science in Health Care Analytics and Information Technology

The Master of Science in Health Care Analytics & Information Technology (MSHCA) program readies students to be innovators in health care by using data and tech alongside key soft skills and domain expertise

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