- Alessandro
Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University, The Economics
of Privacy at a Crossroads
- Idris Adjerid, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Ross Anderson, Cambridge University, Chat Control or Child Protection?
- Angus Bancroft, University of Edinburgh - Nice people doing shady things: Drugs and the Morality of Exchange in the Darknet Cryptomarkets
- Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, Detecting iPhone Security Compromise in Simulated Stalking Scenarios: Strategies and Obstacles
- Matt Blaze, Georgetown University
- Rainer
Böhme, University of Innsbruck
- Elijah Bouma-Sims, Carnegie Mellon University
- Laura
Brandimarte, University of Arizona, Parental Trust in Automated Detection of Cyberpredators
- Jean Camp, Indiana University
- Cristobal Cheyre, Cornell University, The Impact of Apple's App Tracking Transparency Framework on the App Ecosystem
- Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University
- Richard Clayton, Cambridge University
- Avi Collis, University of Texas, Austin, Using Massive Online
Choice Experiments to Measure Changes in Well-Being
- Dan Cosley, National Science Foundation
- Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University, A Systematic Literature Review of
Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research
- Ahana Datta, University College London
- Julie
Downs, Carnegie Mellon University
- Serge Egelman, ICSI / UC Berkeley, Log: It's Big, It's Heavy, It's Filled with Personal Data! Measuring the Logging of Sensitive Information in the Android Ecosystem
- Conor Gilsenan, University of California, Berkeley, Security and Privacy Failures in Popular 2FA Apps
- Cleotilde Gonzalez,
Carnegie Mellon University, A
Cyber-War Between Bots: Human-Like Attackers are More Challenging for Defenders than Deterministic Attackers
- Sara
Kiesler, National Science Foundation, Roadmap for Researchers on Priorities Related to Information Integrity Research and Development
- Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University, Designing Alternative Form-Autocopletion Tools to Enhance Privacy Decision Making and Prevent Unintended Dislosure
- Cameron
Kormylo, University of Notre Dame
- Li Jiang, George Washington University, Perceptions of Privacy Conscious Behavior
- Susan Landau, Tufts University, Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, September 14, 2022
- Tesary Lin, Boston University, Choice Architecture, Privacy Valuations, and Selection Bias in Consumer Data
- Damon McCoy, New York University
- Tyler Moore, University of Tulsa
- Christof Paar, Ruhr University Bochum, Expanding Explainability: From Explainable
Artificial Intelligence to Explainable Hardware
- Elissa Redmiles, University of Maryland, Field Evidence of the Effects of Privacy, Data Transparency, and Pro-social Appeals on COVID-19 App Attractiveness
- Veronica Rivera, University of California, Santa Cruz Post Digital Safety in Digitally-Mediated Offline Interaactions
- Kevin
Roundy, NortonLifeLock, Examining the Adoption and Abandonment of Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft Protection
- Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University, Did You Know This Camera Tracks Your
Mood? Modeling People's Privacy Expectations and Preferences in the Age of Video Analytics
- Zeynep Sahin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Sonam Samat, Google
- Sagar
Samtani, Indiana University, Linking Exploits from the Dark Web to Known Vulnerabilities for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: An Attention-Based Deep Learning Deep Structured Semantic Model
- Florian Schaub, University of Michigan, Awareness, Intention, (In)Action: Individuals' Reactions to Data Breaches
- Bruce Schneier, Harvard Kennedy School
- John Scott-Railton, Citizen Lab
- Ananya Sen, Carnegie Mellon University, The Value of External Data for Digital Platforms: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Search Suggestions
- David Livingstone Smith, University of New England, Under the
Radar: Detecting Covert Dehumanization
- Eugene
Soltes, Harvard Business School
- Ryan Steed, Carnegie Mellon University
- Geoffrey Tomaino, INSEAD, Asia Campus, Intransitivity
of Consumer Preferences for Privacy
- Sophie van der Zee, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Peer Prediction Markets to Elicit Unverifiable Information
- Rick Wash, Michigan State University
- Anthony Vance, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, How CISOs Can Wield More Power in Organizations
- Yixin Zou, Max Plank Institute for Security and Privacy, Cross-Contextual
Examination of Older Adults' Privacy Concerns, Behaviors, and Vulnerabilities